Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a global nonprofit organization that operates with one guiding principle: Hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge. AVID's secondary education system brings research-based curriculum and strategies to students each day that develop critical thinking, literacy, and math skills across all content areas. The AVID college readiness system works to ensure students are college-ready by equipping them with the skills, academic behaviors, and college knowledge necessary to succeed at every level from middle school to college.

Sultan Middle School and Sultan High School are both certified AVID schools. Sultan Middle School is in its fifth year of implementation, and Sultan High School is in the third year. AVID students participate in an AVID elective class as part of their regular schedule. They receive study support, critical thinking practice, tutoring, and an emphasis on the Cornell Note-taking System and increasing rigor by questioning with a higher cognitive demand. The AVID students become like family, and build lasting relationships that support their learning. The AVID foundation is to provide support for students who are disadvantaged, come from families without college educations, or who could be successful in rigorous classes if they had some added support. AVID students also focus on organization routines in preparation for college. AVID students are showing growth in college and career readiness!
The assessment data reviewed and approved by AVID Central provide evidence that AVID students are demonstrating increased learning and are seeking enrollment in more rigorous courses of study.
See your student's school counselor for information on the application process to become an AVID student. As part of our AVID district goals, AVID strategies are reaching nearly all secondary students as non-AVID instructors are incorporating these best practices into their instructional plans.